Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm off!!!

Well, the last couple of days have been a wee bit hectic...I seriously recommend not leaving the whole packing business till the night before...uhem, Aaron...

Anyway, I leave for the airport in a couple hours and I am so excited to begin this crazy adventure. It has been my dream to go to Africa, and what better thing to do than serve? Ah. It's finally happening and it feels right.

Right now I'm not nervous...but I'm sure when the threat of a 1000 marriage proposals a day starts and wild animals come in to play...I'll get a little anxious.

Until then, I need to get some sleep so I will hopefully update in a few days. However, the Internet is kinda slow, so I've heard, so if it's a month until the next post, I apologize now.

See you all in a year/11 months!