Thursday, September 2, 2010

So far, so good...with INTERNET!!!! Barely.

I am here. In Africa.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumm, what?

Yeah. Yeah. Insane!

The flight over was pretty good. I have never been served so much food on a plane before. I got 4 meals on all but one flight. Whew! And I got mostly caught up on movies.
So far I am loving it...minus the red ant invasion in my room (killed those suckers), which Colleen got a kick out of. I want to get a jar full and but them in her underwear....but I won't.

Anyway, I have been to Lusaka a few times and the bus ride there....probably the highlight so far. I would say they are 10-12 seater buses, minus the drivers, but they manage to squeeze in at least 20. We are each other's seatbelts...But I sat next to a mother and her baby, who was the cutest thing I've seen. I don't know how those mothers manage to wrap up their babies, feed, carry groceries, and keep their child from crying all the time all the while looking quite content.

I have also learned that negotiating is like breathing here. On bus rides, at markets...pretty much anything that doesn't have a written price on, you will negotiate for. But, they are usually pretty nice about it. Actually, every Zambian I have met is extremely nice. They all smile back and ask me how I'm doing, even in the city when we are passing each other. By the way, Lusaka is really crowded. That's the only thing I dislike. However, I'd pick this place over Manhattan any day.

Oh! And on my second outing to Lusaka, I was going to try and cash my travlers checks. Literally, after trying 8 different places, I gave up on that. And my ATM card didn't work. So, with barely any money in Africa, I was feeling pretty darn good...
However, that has all been straightened out, hopefully. But for real. Don't use American Express if you are going to another country. I totally forgot they didn't work. At least not anywhere I've been and no one in Zambia does just don't do it.

The food here is good so far. A couple girls became vegetarians because they didn't want to eat meat every day. I will laugh if I do the same. Which I very well could because I also had a "children's class" last Friday and I thouroughly enjoyed anything is possible. Oh, and I use the term children's class loosely cuz everyone is on holiday so the 10 kida that showed up, we just played games with them. And this one boy, Alex Jr., pretty much led it. This kid is amazing. AMAZING! I think he is 13 or 14, I could be wrong though. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be 80. I mean, he does children's classes, he's an animator, AND a tutor. Dear Lord. I felt quite inferior to him. He led the games and was sooo kind to the kids. Ah! I was just so impressed with him.
Anyway, according to Colleen, another youth server, there are usually about 15 or more kids in the children's class. What?! That never happened back home. However, most of these kids live on the compound or near it. But still. That's awesome. I'll be taking notes for sure. In a near by town there are 7 children's classes going down with 72 participants total. My mind has been blown.

Last week, Colleen, Mei, Oriana and her borther, and I went to Ibis, which is kinda like hangout/relax place and the waiter there was asking us about the Faith so we are planning a mini fireside for him to come to on Friday.

Also, we had dinner at Mrs. Mukendi's, the matron, and the food was pretty good. I'm trying to eat as much as possible cuz I'm pretty sure the school food won't be as good. Anyway, we watched a lot of Disney and then said some prayers after. Her kids are adorable by the way.

What else have I done.....Oh yes! I got in trouble my fifth day cuz I hadn't moved my stuff out of the house where I was staying, to my dorm room and the other youth, Krista, needed my room. Oops. My bad.

These are the youth servers:

Colleen: from Canada
Oriana: from Italy (she went back on Wednesday though..after some trouble at the airport with the weight of her bags)
Mei: from Singapore
Krista:from Virginia
Shadon: from Washington, I think (she actually hasn't come yet, but should at the end of September)

I finally know my way around the place for the most part. And there are a ton of monkeys. They're pretty cute...but kinda loud. I just ate some of the monkey fruit as I typed this and am now sucking on a seed.

I also went swimming and the water was freezing, but it was fun.

Back to the food, I have had Indian food a couple times and it was delicious. I also ate some caterpillars last night. Definitely something to try...but I think once was good enough for me. Nshima is good too. That I could eat everyday...oh wait!! I most likely will be. Ha!

So the girls come on Sunday...I have the 8th graders who are supposedly the best beahved. I have heard that the first week or so is "The Battle" though....that is soooo reassuring. Apparently they like to test you to your limits. Oh this should be fun. I cannot wait. However, I am positive this year will be one that is exactly what I need. Difficult, but oh so enlightening.

I can't really remember everything I did, but that's the long and short of it. It has been really great so far and I have met many wonderful people, though their names I don't remember...or never even grasped. Oh man. That's going to be so hard! I am going to have to ask everyone at least 6 times to tell me their name, and then have them spell it out.

Well anyway, I miss my family and friends (especially my dog) but I'm not homesick...yet. I'm sure when estrogen is slapped in my face everyday I will be, but for now I just feel prefectly content. They love salt here, so obviously this is my homeland. But really, I feel good here. I love the place and the people. It was a dream to come here and it is finally happening. I hope I feel the same way about it when I leave.

And since I can't write on Facebook for some reason right now I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Aaron. Have a wonderful wonderful day and an incredible year. I'm sure you will have nothing less. Story: At the market on Sunday Colleen, Mei, and Oriana were trying to buy earrings and were trying to get a lower price. So naturally, we became friends with the seller and he started talking about Alaska and how it's too cold there. In his words, "I would die faster." Haha! I thought that was funny.

Oh, and Ms. Davis, the woman I was staying with/the principal, has figured me out pretty quickly. She has noticed that whenever I have a question, I always start with "um"...Really. Please refer to the second line of this post. It's true.
So I need to start throwing her off. Perhaps starting with another little phrase like, "so" or "hey you!" or...I'm sure I will thank of something.
Alright, well I'm sure I have left out some events that have happened, but oh well. Hopefully I will be able to get on more during school, but don't hold your breath. The Internet is very slow here. It's not a lie. But patience is a virtue.

Hope everyone is doing well and you are all in my prayers! Love you all!

Oh, and Emily, I hope Spain is marvelous and Jessi and Natalie....Best of luck!!! To everyone in school...well, stay strong. And have fun! Ha! Or try. Vanessa, call my mom everyday! And for the one who is left in Medford till the end of September...I am still chuckling a little, but I can also imagine the pain that will bring, so Connie, I would like you to know that your spirit is here with me for sure. I feel it...including when I look at the attractive men for you. Bahahahaha!

I also want to thank not only my family, but Roya Ansari and Justin Larson as well. I am soooo thankful and grateful for all the help you two have been. Seriously. I feel more prepared now for this journey. If I need to whine/complain to someone, I know who to go to. Haha!


  1. AWWW! I am so STOKED for you Hay Hay! I can't believe you're finally there...and that you tried a caterpillar! Atta girl :) I can already tell you're meeting the most amazing people over there. I'm so excited to hear more about the children's classes and your adventures in town. I definitely did as you told me and called your mom twice and talked with her for a bit! I just love that lady :P I hope we can talk soon love! I didn't think I would miss anyone in college for the first month at least, but I already miss you terribly! Weird how that works, huh? ;)Can't wait to talk love.
    Hakuna Matata Ma Darlin,
    ♥Nay Nay

  2. Hahahaha. Your blog is so entertaining! Its bringing back a lot of memories.

    Is Mrs Mukendi still there? Or is there a new matron?

    Yes....Banani is quite an interesting place. You are lucky to have grade 8s.
    I had them for about 6 months.... please please please tell them I say hi!!!! And give Ami Patel a huge hug from me. She´s my lil sis :)

    Also... grade 12s are a GREAT class once you sit and get to know them....dont feel intimidated!! STay strong :) They are the sweetest.
    Good luck with quiet times!!! Lol. The funniest things happen during those times...

  3. Oh. and.... don´t dance in front of them during dances. Just sit and watch.

    If you do dance...they will laugh at you. Hard.
