Monday, February 28, 2011

In My Heart Is Where You Are

Dedicated to Grandma

Moments ago mom and dad
Laid me in your arms
A touch with a softness
Born of age
A lingering warmth
Set ablaze with love

Those fleeting moments pass
As the Everlasting comes
And though I cherished every one
As the desert to the rain
It doesn’t seem enough

One more chance to hear your voice
Or smell your sweet perfume
To play one more game of cards
Or feed the squirrels a bit of food

Now I sit with a day between us
Wishing to be near
Clench my fists, shut my eyes
Pray the miles disappear

If I could, I would hold your hand
To give my love and thanks
And share with you my time
A thousand suns I would repay
For a freeing of this strife

And though it will be some time
Till I see the snow white of your hair
Or the spirit of your eyes

This is not a separation
Only a soul’s illumination
The elevation to a higher
A revelation to a purer
Of a soul
Our souls

A reverberation
That cannot be stilled
A connection
Eternally filled

This is the essence,
Your essence
That nestles in my heart
And breathes within my soul

There always comes a time
When you must let go
To hold on even tighter
You’re released from the shackles of this world
And for you I’ve one desire
For every tear that’s shed
For every prayer that’s uttered
May it take you ever closer
Ever faster
Ever higher

I love you with the joy
A child loves their blanket
I miss you with the awe
Of the African sunset

And it’s killing me to write this
And not see your gentle face
But in the mysteries of reality
I know you’re never gone
And I’m not so far away
‘Cause I’ll see you in the stars
And the beauty of each day

You’ll be the whisper in the air
In everything I do
This year, my service
I dedicate to you

There’s so little time
To say all I want
Just know my love for you
Lives on

And as my lips capture a smile
At the memories that we share
Please know, my sweet Grandma
I will always hold you dear

So rock out
Be happy
May your wings of grace
Lift you to that highest Paradise
For the Glory of Glories is waiting
To behold your resplendent light

"O Son of the Supreme! I have made death a messenger of joy to thee. Wherefore dost thou grieve? I made the light to shed on thee its splendour. Why dost thou veil thyself therefrom?"


  1. Heather Elizabeth, your poetry has always touched my heart, but this has brought tears to my eyes. The feelings this poem creates is beyond any words. You are such a strong woman with so much love and faith in your heart and these words manifest it. I know your grandma feels the same. I love you Hay Hay ♥

  2. This is incredible. I know your grandmother is happily soaring in the Abha Kingdom and that your words touched her soul deeply, as they did mine. I love you!
